Moonlight Creek

Wadawurrung – Golden Plains Shire

The dramatic landscape of Moonlight Creek was previously covered by extensive Eucalyptus, Acacia and Sheoak habitat that can still be found in small isolated patches along the creek system and surrounding reserves. Following years of livestock farming, historical gold mining and the introduction of pest plant and animal species most of the valuable vegetation has been cleared or degraded resulting in significant loss of biodiversity and habitat fragmentation. Our mission is to plant 27,000 trees along the moonlight creek slopes system restoring close to 70 acres of vulnerable Herb-rich Woodland, Heathy Dry Forest and small patches of endangered Riparian Woodland. 

The restoration of this Landscape has involved extensive pest management in difficult to reach locations. The Planting here has already begun to extend and support the patches of remnant vegetation including many old growth eucalyptus and we look forward to continuing to develop this site into a biodiverse corridor connecting isolated patches of important habitat to the Enfield State Park.

These small seedlings will grow into a flourishing forest supporting a valuable ecological community, home to species like the growling grass frog, Wedge-tailed Eagle and the Antechinus (Marsupial Mouse). 

Revegetation of this property will be closely curated to reflect its pre-settlement plant community. Across four vegetation types, there will be a range of native trees, shrubs, and understory species planted. Every $3 you donate to the Moonlight Creek will deliver one, or a mixture of the following species:

Silver Wattle Acacia dealbata

Lightwood Acacia implexa

Black Wattle Acacia mearnsii

Blackwood Acacia melanoxylon

Hedge Wattle Acacia paradoxa

Swamp Wattle Acacia provincialis

Golden Wattle Acacia pycnantha

Prickly Moses Acacia verticillata

Slaty Sheoak Allocasuarina muelleriana

Drooping Sheoak Allocasuarina verticillata

Sweet Bursaria Bursaria spinosa

Bottlebrush Callistemon sieberi

Common Cassinia Cassinia aculeata

Hopbush Dodonaea viscosa

Prickly Tea-tree Leptospermum continentale

Creswick Apple-box Eucalyptus aromaphloia

River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Long-leaved Box Eucalyptus goniocalyx

Red Stringybark Eucalyptus macrorhyncha

Messmate Eucalyptus obliqua

Swamp Gum Eucalyptus ovata

Cabbage Gum Eucalyptus pauciflora

Narrow-leaved Peppermint Eucalyptus radiata

Eucalyptus pauciflora x radiata

Red Box Eucalyptus polyanthemos

Manna Gum Eucalyptus viminalis

Rough-barked Manna Gum Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Cygnetensis

Yarra Gum Eucalyptus yarraensis

Kangaroo Apple Solanum laciniatum

Explore Moonlight Creek

Trees Planted
Project Capacity