$3 = One established tree
Once covered by a range of Eucalypt and Acacia trees across undulating hills, with patches of native grasslands, the site was largely cleared for grazing cattle. As a result, a significant portion of forest has been lost and the forested area that remains is small and isolated. After intense grazing, the Glenaroua site has become subject to invasive weeds, pest animals, and significant erosion cutting across the landscape.
Reforesting this landscape with careful management practices will see this site’s damaged history rejuvenated, providing reprieve from erosion and invasive species. The existing forested area will be expanded, linking it with the nearby Mollison creek and providing further habitat corridors for native species.
Upon completion of the project, the site will provide over 800 acres of native vegetation in a landscape which has experienced massive clearing since colonial settlement, connecting to a further 165 acres of adjacent forest.
Revegetation of this property will be closely curated to reflect its pre-settlement plant community. Across four vegetation types, there will be a range of native trees, shrubs, and understory species planted. Every $3 you donate to the Glenaroua project will deliver one, or a mixture of the following species:
Gold-dust Wattle Acacia acinacea
Spreading Wattle Acacia genistifolia
Drooping Sheoak Allocasuarina verticillata
Hedge Wattle Acacia paradoxa
Black Wattle Acacia mearnsii
Wirilda Acacia provincialis
Sweet Bursaria Bursaria spinosa
Hop Bush Dodonaea viscosa
Yellow Gum Eucalyptus leucoxylon
Red Stringbark Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
Yellow Box Eucalyptus melliodora
Grey Box Eucalyptus microcarpa
Red Box Kangaroo Grass Eucalyptus polyanthemos
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